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Journal of Contemporary Social Sciences and Humanities

ISSN 2985-0541 (Print)

ISSN 2985-055X (Online)

Rangsit Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (RJSH) was renamed from Journal of Contemporary Social Sciences and Humanities (JCSH) in 2024. The first issue of JCSH, Vol. 11 No. 1 (2024)

Call For Papers 

You are invited to publish your original research work in Journal of Contemporary Social Sciences and Humanities (JCSH)
Current issue: Volume 11, Number 2, (July-December 2024)
Next issue: Volume 12, Number 1, (January-June 2025)

Publication fee
Total 6,000 Baht per article (After acceptance letter is delivered)
*The publication fee will be paid after your manuscript is accepted.



Activities in the process


Submission process


Preliminary review (Editor team)        

- Format correction, suggestion for completion of contents
(No payment if the manuscript is rejected in this process)

Review process (Three reviewers : Duble-blind review process)


Review process 

Notify the evaluauion results  - Notification is clasified as;
1) Completelt accept 2) Accepted with minor revision 3) Major revision with re-evaluation 4) Rejected

Major revision = Not accept yet,

reviewers require improvement of the content and/or formats

Revise the manuscript by authors  -  For the manuscript with 2) Accepted with minor revision 3) Major revision with re-evaluation Re-evaluation result can be
(a) Rejected (b) Minor revision (c) accepted

Email asking for additional payment (If accepted or Minor revision)

6,000 Baht The acceptance letter is delivered after complete payment only  

Complete the format, Figures, Tables, etc.

  The authors may be asked for redrawing pictures or correct the references’ format etc  

CTA must be uploaded


Upload online 

  The author can be shared for increase the view rate of your paper.  CTA must be uploaded before publication

Download Research Article Template, Submission Form, and Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA) from Submission Guideline Click


Approved By TCI (2025 - 2030)

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