Editorial Policies:
JCSH accepts only the work that has not been published; that is not under consideration for publication, elsewhere; and that its publication has been approved by all co-authors and the relevant authorities responsible at the institute where the work was conducted. Submission also implies that the authors have already obtained all necessary permissions for the inclusion of copyrighted materials, such as figures and tables from other publications. Previously published work will not be considered for publication. Submitting a copied piece of writing as one’s own original work is considered plagiarism. The Journal is published by Rangsit University Press, Thailand. Contributions are in English. Copyright is by the publisher and the authors.
JCSH expects that all of the authors listed on a manuscript have contributed substantially to the submitted paper. By submission of the manuscript, cover letter, and Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA), the corresponding author affirms that all named authors have agreed to be listed as authors of the paper. Furthermore, by their signatures on the CTA, all authors affirm that they have both read and approved the manuscript, and that they take full responsibility for the content of the article.
Review Process:
JCSH assumes responsibility for insuring that submitted manuscripts receive expert and unbiased reviews. JCSH strives to complete a peer review of all submitted papers and the publication of accepted manuscripts in a timely manner and to keep the authors informed of any problems with their manuscript. All submitted manuscripts are initially evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief in consultation with members of the Editorial Board before being sent to three revewers with double-blind review process. JCSH is under no obligation to submit every manuscript to formal peer review. Manuscripts that are judged by the editors to be inferior or inappropriate for publication in the Journal may, at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief, be rejected without formal written reviews by referees. JCSH will obtain three written reviews for each manuscript that is entered into the peer review process, although the Editor-in-Chief has the discretion to make final decisions about the disposition of a manuscript with fewer than two reviews. The reviewers’ evaluations will be used by the editors to decide whether the paper should be accepted, revised or rejected. A copy of the referees’ comments will be sent to the corresponding authors whose paper needs revision. All reviewers serve anonymously and their identities are protected by the confidentiality policy of JCSH.
As is customary for the peer review process, JCSH holds the identity of authors and the contents of all submitted manuscripts in confidence until such time as the papers are published. This confidentiality extends to the comments of editors and reviewers that have evaluated the paper; these comments and reviews are released only to the corresponding author. Co-authors may have access to these documents either by obtaining them directly from the corresponding author or by submitting to JCSH a letter of request that has been signed by the corresponding author. Similarly, JCSH expects that editors and reviewers will maintain strict confidentiality of the authors' identities and the contents of manuscripts that they examine during the review process, and furthermore, will never disclose the contents (either orally or in writing) of documents related to the peer review of a manuscript. A violation of this policy is considered a serious breach of trust.
Research Involving Animals or Humans:
Authors must state in the manuscript that the work was approved by, at least, their institutional ethical review board for any research involving human and animal subjects. These approvals are required for publication in JCSH.

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