Research Hotspots and Trends in Monuments and Memorials: Visual Analysis Based on Knowledge Graph
- Guoxing Chen, Faculty of Decorative Arts, Silpakorn University, Bangkok, Thailand & College of Fine Arts, Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University, Guangzhou, China, *Corresponding author, E-mail:
- Vanvipha Suneta, Faculty of Decorative Arts, Silpakorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Monuments and memorials have been extensively researched in recent decades, and this overall upward trend is continuing. Effectively identifying the frontier hotspots of this research topic and predicting the future development trend is significant. Using the visualization software CiteSpace, this study analyzes the relevant literature on CNKI and WOS databases from 2012 to 2021. The results reveal the following: (1) The main current themes of the monument and memorial research can be divided into four parts, namely “basic theory, technology, and method”, “history, memory, and commemoration”, “type of remains, heritage, and dark tourism”, and “space environment and art”. (2) The relevant themes can be summarized in the evolutionary path of three research directions: “history, memory, and commemoration of the monument and memorials”, “tourism development and preservation and/or conservation of monuments and memorials”, “artistic design of the space environment of the monuments and memorial”. (3) The cross-border disciplines and fields, improvement of basic theory, innovation of technology and methods, and development and criticism of “counter-monuments and anti-memorials” are important concerns for future research on this topic.
Keywords: Monument, Memorial, CiteSpace, Research hotspots, Research theme
DOI: 10.14456/jcsh.2023.4
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