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Journal of Contemporary Social Sciences and Humanities

ISSN 2985-0541 (Print)

ISSN 2985-055X (Online)

An Empirical Study of Emotional Regulation and Moral Disengagement among Juvenile Delinquents in Hebei, China—The Mediating Effect of Empathy

  • Wenwen Sun, Trade Union, Hengshui University, Hebei, China
  • Zheyun Zheng, College of Social Innovation, Rangsit University, Pathum Thani 12000, Thailand, Corresponding author, E-mail: zhengzheyun@gmail.com


With the continuous development of society, the issue of juvenile delinquents in China has attracted much attention in recent years. 137 juvenile delinquents in Hebei Province, China were researched, and SPSS was used to conduct difference analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis on emotional regulation, empathy, moral disengagement, and related factors for juvenile delinquents in Hebei province, China. The results showed that the levels of emotional regulation and empathy of juvenile delinquents in Hebei province, China are at the lower middle level, and moral disengagement is at the upper middle level. Juvenile delinquents’ moral disengagement is affected by juvenile the delinquent's gender, age, education, and family structure. Juvenile delinquent's emotional regulation and empathy are influenced by juvenile their gender and family structure. The emotional regulation of juvenile delinquent has a significant negative relationship with moral disengagement. Empathy plays a partial mediating role in the relationship between emotional regulation and moral disengagement. This study’s authors believe that China should give young people positive attention and timely help from family, school and society to prevent the occurrence of juvenile delinquency. Juvenile delinquents serving sentences should be actively provided with psychological counseling, and they should be given opportunities to reform in a timely manner from the perspectives of education, reformation, and rescue.

Keywords: Chinese juvenile delinquents, emotional regulation, empathy, moral disengagement

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DOI: 10.14456/jcsh.2023.10


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