The Development of a Physical Environment Assessment Form for Safety and Security in Transitional Space between Mass Transit Stations and Buildings
- Thapanee Panpet, Multidisciplinary Design Research Program, School of Architecture, Art and Design, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok 10520, Thailand, *Corresponding author, E-mail:
- Yanin Rugwongwan, School of Architecture, Art and Design, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok 10520, Thailand
Mass transit systems are vital in addressing traffic congestion and promoting the economy in the city and surrounding spaces. The transitional space connecting mass transit stations and buildings holds significance as it improves accessibility and convenience, especially along transit routes, with a focus on those serviced by electric train lines. The primary objective of travel is to reach one's destination safely and efficiently. This research aims to investigate the criteria and develop assessment forms for assessing the physical environment for safety and security in transitional spaces between mass transit stations and buildings. This qualitative research studies and filters criteria from regulations, laws, and theories related to the physical environment for safety and security. First, developing an assessment designed for an initial trial in the specific area. Next, ensuring the tool’s compliance through an expert evaluation. Subsequently, conducting a second trial within the area to identify and implement any necessary improvements, with a final validation carried out by an expert. Only after all necessary corrections have been made and verified will this assessment be utilized in subsequent evaluations. The research found that the central concept of the assessment model focuses on good visibility throughout the journey, the lack of obstacles that can cause danger, and the importance of safety equipment and personnel readiness. The assessment consists of two main factors, seven sub-factors, and 46 criteria, including (1) the physical environment factor for safety and security consisting of boundaries, entrances, and positioning of transitional spaces (12 items), blind corners and obstacles (10 items), lighting (2 items), signs and information (7 items), cleanliness and maintenance (3 items), (2) the security equipment and security guard factor, consisting of safety equipment (6 items), and security guard (6 items) in maintaining a secure environment.
Keywords: Assessment form, Transitional Space, Physical Environment, Safety and Security
DOI: 10.14456/jcsh.2024.7
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