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Journal of Contemporary Social Sciences and Humanities

ISSN 2985-0541 (Print)

ISSN 2985-055X (Online)

The Impact of Reviewers on Social Media on the Buying Intentions of GenZ in Vietnam

  • Hau Le, School of Media and Applied Arts, University of Management and Technology, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Corresponding author, Email: lh.lehau@gmail.com
  • Phuong Mai Nguyen, Faculty of Digital Communication, Gia Dinh University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


This research delved into the influence of social media reviewers on the buying intentions of Generation Z individuals in Vietnam. Drawing from the concepts of attraction theory and signaling theory, the authors formulated a research model to examine the correlation between the characteristics of social media reviewers and the purchase intentions of Gen Z customers. Utilizing a survey involving 488 valid respondents out of a total of 632 respondents and analyzed using PLS-SEM, the findings indicated that trust, attraction, and expertise significantly affected attitudes toward social media reviewers. However, only trust and attraction had discernible impacts on buying intentions. Despite the general influence of attitude on buying intentions, only trust emerged as a predictor for Gen Z customers' purchasing decisions. In contrast to earlier studies, this research suggests that positive attitudes toward social media reviewers may not necessarily translate into immediate purchases but could contribute to fostering brand awareness and engagement.

Keywords: Social media reviewers, buying intentions, Gen Z, trust, attraction, expertise

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