An Analysis of Figurative Language Used in Airline’s Travel Stories
- Saithong Chaobankrang, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Foreign Language, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand, Corresponding author, E-mail:
- Montri Tangpijaikul, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Foreign Language, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
This study addressed the underexplored use of figurative language in travel writing by analyzing 40 travel stories published on Cathay Pacific Airways’ official website between 2020 and 2023. The objectives were to identify the types of figurative language and their frequency and to analyze relationships among the six specific types-metaphor, hyperbole, personification, simile, metonymy, and rhetorical questions-across four travel content categories: must-visit attractions, must-do activities, must-eat dining advice, and must-stay accommodations. Using qualitative content analysis, the stories, ranging from 700 to 1,200 words, were selected based on word count and main themes through purposive sampling. Adapting an analytical framework from Perrine (1969), Corbett (1990), McQuarrie and Mick (1996), and prior advertising research, the analysis revealed consistent and diverse usage of figurative language across all travel categories, with metaphor, hyperbole, and metonymy being particularly notable. Numerical analysis showed that metaphor was the most prevalent (47.13% of 1,237 instances), followed by hyperbole (22.55%), metonymy (21.18%), personification (3.56%), simile (2.83%), and rhetorical questions (2.75%). The must-stay category was the most frequently mentioned, followed by must-visit, must-do, and must-eat. Figurative language was essential in vividly describing key attractions, leisure activities, dining experiences, and accommodation atmospheres. Additionally, the study highlighted using personification, simile, and rhetorical questions to guide readers and encourage exploration of the destinations. The study concluded by emphasizing the significance of teaching novice writers the effective use of figurative language and acknowledging the role of cultural differences in interpreting deeper meanings, thus contributing to more engaging and culturally aware travel writing.
Keywords: figurative language, figurative devices, airline’s travel stories, travel writing, application of figurative writing
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