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Journal of Contemporary Social Sciences and Humanities

ISSN 2985-0541 (Print)

ISSN 2985-055X (Online)

The Development of Community Enterprise: A Case Study of Moku Moku Farm in Mie Prefecture



It is generally believed that community solidarity will give way to globalization. This study, however, suggests that community-based development can revitalize community solidarity.

Over the past three decades, many countries in Asia adopted the “One Village One Product” concept in Japan for moving the community economic development. Community-based products have been developed and turned into small and medium community enterprise. Such changes have been introduced in order to connect local products to the global market. There are three major factors contributing to long-lasting community enterprises.  Firstly, community products should be locally initiated based on sufficient local resources.  Secondly, community products should have a strong local cultural base and unique characteristics of the area. Thirdly, the production, development, and marketing of local products should be carried out through a unified network among farmers, cooperatives, local government, local Chambers of Commerce and Tourism Associations, local tourism associations, universities, and consumers.

The ability of Moku Moku Farm in Mie Prefecture to compete with other big businesses is not limited only in raw agriculture products. The successful Moku Moku Farm has ventured into farm products processing business and creative tourism. Such development gives their business high value-added to their products.

Thus, it is clear, Moku Moku Farm of Mie Prefecture has become a successful model of community enterprise, utilizing the strategies of farm product value-added, community-based, green business, cultural and social capital, local government subsidies, unique location, farm fan club membership, and the uniqueness of their products.

Keywords: community enterprise, creative tourism, community development, community development

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Approved By TCI (2021 - 2025)

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