Editor's Note
Socrates, a well-known philosopher in ancient Greek once quoted that “True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing”. When we accept the fact that we need to read and understand more to gain knowledge and escape from ignorance, then only we are in the same boat as Socrates. By all means, same goes to writing as when we write something, simultaneously we gain more understanding and insights to the area that we place our focus and concentration. It needed such courage and one bestowed by plentiful of ideas so that we are able to provide the best writings to the readers out there. Writing needs utmost commitments as well as ample intelligents, so that the idea disseminated in a creative way, avoiding dull and boring conveyance methods.
From the start of the RJSH journal, the publication team has just one intention, to spread knowledge to the audiences out there. Now, the journal’s journey has already past six (6) years in the writing profession. Never in our thoughts that we set our foot here, trying to be one of the best journal in the country. However, deep inside our heart we reckon that we could be the best in supplying high impact journals to the readers out there. In short, we are aiming to be the best although we still far away from the much-anticipated destination.
Let us go through all the five (5) articles provide eventful discussion and information to the readers out there. The first paper tells us about the perspective and prospect towards current and future livelihood of Bangkok generation Y. The author, Rawisara Chulerk then tries to explore the perspective and prospect of Generation Y towards current and the next 30-year livelihood in Live-Work-Play dimensions. Based on the study, Generation Y designs their lifestyle based on the concept of hedonism that referring to their goal of pleasure.
The second paper will provide us with sufficient insights on the misuse of prescription drugs cognitive enhancement among Iranian University students. The group of writers lead by Habeeb Abdulrauf Salihu, intends to examine the misuse of such drugs whereby 1,800 samples of data were analysed. The outcome revealed the fact that adequate public concern shall be in tandem to intervene with the misuse of drugs among Iranian university students.
Flying to our neighbours, the article is about the authors voice in selecting equivalences in the translation into Malay of Raja Bilah and the Mandailings in Perak, Malaysia. For some scholars of translation studies like André Lefevere, translation is a manipulation of some extrinsic factors such as ideology, dominant poetics and patronage. Basically, this article attempts to study on the concept of patronage which was introduced by Lefevere in the translation of a social history monograph from English into Malay which affected the equivalent of lexical choices and the choices of translation procedures used in the work of translation.
The fourth paper by Ananyawat Ratanawichai and Sasiphattra Siriwato is a case study about the border patrol police in Chiang Rai province. The research has two objectives, as the first one is in line with the establishment of the border patrol police which are upheld to prevent and suppress agains narcotics. The second objective is proposing solution and recommendation in preventing and suppressing drug trafficking network at the border’s vicinity. The research found that major problems and obstacles to combat drug trafficking such as searching for news and intelligence, managing and administrating as well as coordination with other organisation or agencies.
It is important to know the latest changes or amendments made in the accounting world. That is why the group of authors lead by Pandate Romsaitong doing a systematic review exploring the effect of and risk mitigation methods surrounding the new IFRS 16. The new standard took effect in January of 2019 and defines a non-cancellable period within a lease term. Several findings meted out here include: 1) High-profile businesses were deemed to be most impacted; 2) IT tools are available but primarily relate to the effective and accurate practice of accounting methods rather than impacts of regulation. Some businesses use accounting method such as smoothing to create more advantageous reports; 3) Software and IT tools can aid businesses in reducing administrative and human labor costs, along with other benefits.
The papers need to be read with full focus and concentration yet it demands a good understanding by the audiences out there as they are produced with extra care and due diligence by the authors. Therefore, no page shall be skipped or being ignored by the reader out there. By being meticulous and giving ample level of concentration, then only we could gather a lot of information and knowledge, with this kind of in-depth reading.
In a nutshell, that is why journals such as RJSH exist: to create a bridge for knowledge-seekers (learners) with producers of knowledge (researchers). As the editorial team, we perceive this as our job: sharing new knowledge, including alternative ways of understanding the complex issues that happen in our daily life as well as on our societies in general.
We welcome your comments and, of course, your manuscripts. Links to our manuscript submission site can be found at RJSH Online Submission and Review System: https://rjsh.rsu.ac.th. We look forward to hearing from you.
Anek Laothamatas

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