Analysis of Scale of Fees for Thai Justice Fund Lawyers
- Kiatanantha Luankaew, Faculty of Economics, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand, *Corresponding author, Email:
- Chavajaree Rieoraengkuson, Pridi Banomyong Faculty of Law, Dhurakij Pundit University, Bangkok, Thailand
The aim of this research is to assess the current scale of fees for lawyers enlisted by the Thai Justice Fund (TJF) to assist people in need of legal aid. It began with a study of international practices that can serve as a broad guideline for further analysis. Current practices of Thai institutions providing similar services were also examined. It was found that the current scale of fees of the TJF was too extensive; the baseline fee could be expanded by around 500 to 600 percent before the upper limits were reached. This left the exact fee to be determined at the discretion of the TJF fee committee. In addition, since the fee was set ex-ante, including both professional fees and administrative expenses, it was possible that the enlisted lawyer incurred higher administrative costs than was originally envisaged. This study, therefore, proposed that the scale of fees be set according to case complexity; the administrative costs should be paid based on actual activities conducted rather than the lump-sum amount agreed upon before the commencement of legal services on behalf of the TJF.
Keywords: Scale of fees, Legal aid, Legal fee, Economics of law, Access to justice
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