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Journal of Contemporary Social Sciences and Humanities

ISSN 2985-0541 (Print)

ISSN 2985-055X (Online)

Time Management, Learning Motivation and Academic Performance of Dentistry Students

  • Niña Fatimah D. Borbon, College of Dentistry, Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas, Philippines, E-mail: ndborbon@lpubatangas.edu.ph


This study aimed to identify the time management skills and learning motivation of the dental clinicians that may impact their academic performance, and test significant difference on time management and learning motivation between the junior and senior clinicians. The research also explored whether there is significant relationship between time management, learning motivation and academic performance of the dental clinicians and proposed action plans based on the findings. Data were gathered using a standardized questionnaire that assessed time management skills which was divided into three components such as task prioritization, task listing and task scheduling; and the learning motivation of the students, adapted from motivated strategies for learning questionnaire from University of Michigan, in terms of value, expectancy and affective components. Sixty-seven dental clinicians of Doctor of Dental Medicine participated and consented the evaluation of their previous semester’s General Weighted Average (GWA) in the professional subjects to assess their academic performance. The findings revealed that task prioritization is the dominant time management skill among junior and senior dental clinicians. Value is the highest learning motivation among the junior and senior dental clinicians. Furthermore, majority of the respondents have GWA of 2.00-2.49. Third year students have greater learning motivation in terms of value. There was no significant relationship exists between GWA, time management skills and learning motivation, implying that the students’ GWA was not affected by their time management and their level of motivation. Proposed action plans may also be considered by the college of dentistry to help look at possible means to provide quality education that will address the current problems in student’s self-regulated learning, enhance teaching strategies in motivating the students to be competent in using their time in studying and finishing their requirements.

Keywords: academic performance, time management, learning motivation, value, expectancy and affective component

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DOI: 10.14456/rjsh.2021.8


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